institutional & corporate partners
company supported by
French Ministery of Culture
Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region
City of Nice
City of Cannes
Alpes-Maritimes Department
international projects supported by
Institut français
Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region
associate company
Musée des Beaux Arts Jules Chéret / Nice
Métamorphosis Project - for the 2023-2028 renovation project
Idéogramme Communication, France
for our booklet
Fondation Logirem, France
for Noye's Fludde project
Fondation Fluxum, Switzerland
for Corps étranger and Léviathan projects
pedagogical projects supported by
DAAC de l’Académie de Nice
studio residence
Regional Conservatoire of Nice
Côte d’Azur France
other institutional partners
City of Mougins
Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur
Ministry of Justice
Direction Inter-régionale des Services Pénitentiaires (DISP) PACA/Corse
Service Pénitentiaire d’Insertion et de Probation (SPIP) des Alpes-Maritimes
DAAC / Académie de Versailles
Université Nice Côte d’Azur (UCA)
Hotel du Pin, Nice

cultural partners
BAAL / Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Cinédanse / Montréal, Canada
Dança em Foco / Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Dansvearkstaedi / Reykjavík, Iceland
Ensemble N.E.S.E.V.E.N. / Berlin, Germany
Festival Euroscene Leipzig / Germany
Light Moves Festival / Limerick, Ireland
Liisa Pentti +Co / Helsinki, Finland
Moovy Tanzfilmfestival Köln / Cologne, Germany
Northern School of Contemporary Dance / Leeds, UK
Physical Cinema Festival / Reykjavik, Iceland
Play False Cultural Association / Viseu, Portugal
POOL Movement Art Film Festival / Berlin, Germany
REMISE 24 - Hermann Heisig / Leipzig, Germany
Silke Z. - Resistdance - ehrenfeldstudios e. V. / Cologne, Germany
Studiotrade, réseau européen de coopération
Vilnius city dance Theatre Low Air / Vilnius, Lithuania
Vo’Arte / Lisbonne, Portugal
San Francisco Dance Film Festival / San Francisco, USA
Suzanne Dellal Center / Tel Aviv, Israël
Art Mouv’ / Bastia
Ballet du Nord CCN de Roubaix / Roubaix
BackLight Studio, Paris
CDN Nice Côte d’Azur - Théâtre National de Nice / Nice
Centre de la Photographie / Mougins
Centre National de la Danse - CND / Paris
Châteauvallon-Liberté, scène nationale / Toulon
Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional / Nice
École de danse du Ballet du Nord / Roubaix
Ensemble 2e2m / Paris
Ensemble Les Métaboles / Colmar
Ensemble Matheus / Brest
Espace Léonard De Vinci / Mandelieu-La-Napoule
Festival de Danse Cannes - Côte d’Azur France / Cannes
Festival Phare / Arles
GMEM Centre National de Création Musicale / Marseille
le 109, pôle de cultures contemporaines / Nice
Le Regard Du Cygne / Paris
L’éveilleur SCOP / Avignon
Monuments nationaux de France, Abbaye de Montmajour / Arles
Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain (MAMAC) / Nice
Musée de la Photographie Charles Nègre / Nice
Musée National du Sport / Nice
Opéra Nice Côte d’Azur / Nice
Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower Cannes-Mougins
Studio a+e / Paris & Lyon
Studio BK / Paris-Lyon-Dubaï-Chine
Théâtre de Grasse / Grasse
Théâtre Golovine / Avignon
Un festival C’est trop court’ - festival européen du court métrage / Nice
Villa Arson, École nationale supérieure d’art / Nice

Mobility and international cooperation are today two of the main keys allowing significant advances in the artistic field as well as in the research of new production and new financing models.
The Compagnie Humaine is co-founder of European exchange and cooperation network Studiotrade initiated in 2010 in Düsseldorf. Partners of this network are dance companies, residences places and production organizations which share residence and programming opportunities. Their goal is to favour the mutualisation of research and creation places, and the exploration of new territories as alternative spaces of development for choreographic artists in Europe.
Since 2014, Studiotrade offers within the framework of European main events platforms combining choreographic performances and dance films projections. In France, Éric programs since 2015 a Studiotrade Platform at the Festival de Danse Cannes Côte d’Azur France.
Baal (Palma de Mallorca, Spain), Compagnie Humaine (Nice, France), Dansverstaed (Reykjavik, Iceland), Kekäläinen & Company (Helsinki, Finland), Liisa Pentti +Co (Helsinki, Finland), Low Air Vilnius City Dance Theatre (Vilnius, Lithuania), Play False Cultural Association (Viseu, Portugal), Silke Z. resistdance | ehrenfeldstudios (Cologne, Germany), Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt (Ludwigsburg, Germany), Vo’Arte (Lisbonne, Portugal)
festivals and partnerships
Festival de Danse Cannes Côte d’Azur / France, Euroscene Leipzig / Germany, Sharing Across Borders Köln /Germany, Colony winter dance summit / Nida, Lithuania

(Never Ending Searching for Exact Vocal Expression and Nuances)
Following preparatory laboratories in 2018 for the creation of the opera Seven Stones during the 70th edition of the Aix-en-Provence Festival, the German-French-Czech composer Ondřej Adámek and Éric decided to continue a work started together since several years on the presence of moving bodies on stage, in search of a new physicality and authenticity in the music and its interpretation.
MOVING VOICES is the name which they have given to this new creation movement.
They are looking to open the fields of physical expression palettes by dynamizing staging, movements and vocal expression. Their common work is based on a body and voice warm-up performed simultaneously, through musical rehearsals without a score, on a permanent overlapping of musical rehearsals and of staging in space and in movement work by the performers.
They founded together the French-German Ensemble N.E.S.E.V.E.N. whose artistic director is Ondřej.
The Ensemble and the Compagnie Humaine jointly produce works in which all the performers use body, voice, objects and musical instruments. These projects are co-produced by prestigious international partners such as the Venice Biennale (Italy), the Festival Présence of Radio France and the GMEM National Center for Music Creation (France) or the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik (Germany).
Their piece Reaching Out received the Best Production Award at the Venice Biennale / Biennale Musica 2022.
The members of N.E.S.E.V.E.N are:
Ondřej Adámek, Éric Oberdorff, Olga Siemieńczuk, Shigeko Hata, Landy Andriamboavonjy, Nicolas Simeha, Steve Zheng, Paul-Alexandre Dubois, Jeanne Larrouturou, Miguel Angel Garcia Martin, João Carlos Pacheco
N.E.S.E.V.E.N has commissioned music from the following composers:
Rino Murakami Salmon crossing, Mio Chareteau Single 1 & Single 2, Martin Smolka Stretto, Mayke Nas Behind The Scenes V: Playtime